Friday, January 19, 2018

Latest Cisco 400-051 Dumps CCIE Collaboration Exam Questions And Answers Video Study

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Cisco Exam Pass4itsure 400-051 Dumps PDF Blog Series:
Make a swap partition having 100MB. Make Automatically Usable at System Boot Time.
Answer and Explanation:
1. Use fdisk /dev/hda ¨¤To create new partition.Type n ¨¤ For New partitionIt will ask foLogical or Primary Partitions. Press l for logical.It will ask for the Starting Cylinder: Use the Default by pressing Enter Key.Type the Size: +100M ¨¤ You can Speciy either Last cylinder of Size here.Press P to verify the partitions lists and remember the partitions name. Default System ID is 83 that means Linux Native.Type t to change the System ID of partition.Type Partition NumberType 82 that means Linux Swap.Press w to write on partitions table.Either Reboot or use partprobe command.mkswap /dev/hda?¨To create Swap File system on partition.swapon
/dev/hda?¨¤ To enable the Swap space from ¨¤ Verify Either Swap is enabled or /etc/fstab
/dev/hda? swap swap defaults 0 0Reboot the System and verify that swap is automatically enabled or not.
You are a System administrator. Using Log files very easy to monitor the system. Now there are 50 servers running as Mail, Web, Proxy, DNS services etc. You want to centralize the logs from all servers into on LOG Server. How will you configure the LOG Server to accept logs from remote host ?
Answer and Explanation:
By Default system accept the logs only generated from local host. To accept the Log from other host configure:vi /etc/sysconfig/syslog SYSLOGD_OPTIONS="-m 0 -r" Where
-m 0 disables 'MARK' messages.
-r enables logging from remote machines
-x disables DNS lookups on messages recieved with -rservice syslog restart
You are giving the debug RHCT exam. The examiner told you that the password of root is redhat. When you tried to login displays the error message and redisplayed the login screen. You changed the root password, again unable to login as a root. How will you make Successfully Login as a root.
Answer and Explanation:
When root unable to login into the system think:
1. Is password correct?
2. Is account expired?
3. Is terminal Blocked?
Do these Steps:
3. Boot the System on Single user mode.
4. Change the password
5. Check the account expire date by using chage -l root command.
If account is expired, set net expire date: chage -E "NEVER" root
4. Check the file /etc/securetty ¨¤ Which file blocked to root login from certain terminal.
5. If terminal is deleted or commented write new or uncomment.
6. Reboot the system and login as a root.
You are giving RHCT Exam and in your Exam paper there is a question written, make successfully ping to
Answer and Explanation:
In Network problem thinks to check:
1. IP Configuration: use ifconfig command either IP is assigned to interface or not?
2. Default Gateway is set or not?
3. Hostname is set or not?
4. Routing problem is there?
5. Device Driver Module is loaded or not?
6. Device is activated or not?
Check In this way:
1. use ifconfig command and identify which IP is assigned or not.
2. cat /etc/sysconfig/network ¨¤What, What is written here. Actually here are these parameters
NETWORKING=yes or no
-Correct the file
3. Use vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scirpts/ifcfg-eth0 and check the proper options
4. Use service network restart or start command
Set the Hostname station? where ? is your Host IP Address.
Answer and Explanation:
1. hostname station? ¨¤ This will set the host name oly for current session. To set hostname permanently.
2. vi /etc/sysconfig/network
3. service network restart
The System you are using is for NFS (Network File Services). Some important data are shared from your system. Make automatically start the nfs and portmap services at boot time.
Answer and Explanation:
We can control the services for current session and for next boot time also. For current Session,we use service servicename start or restart or stop or status. For automatically on next reboot time:
1. chkconfig servicename on or off
2. Reboot the system and identify whether services are running or not.
Given the following state table:
Which of the following represents an INVALID transition (N)?
A. Off from isplay Channel 1?
B. Channel 2 from Display Channel 1?
C. Stby from Live?
D. Channel 2 from Live?
400-051 exam Correct Answer: A
In which activity of the Fundamental Test Process is the test environment set up?
A. Test implementation and execution.
B. Test planning and control
C. Test analysis and design
D. Evaluating exit criteria and reporting
Correct Answer: A
Given the following decision table: Which of the following test cases and expected results is VALID?
A. 23 year old in insurance class A Premium is ?0 and excess is ?,500.
B. 51 year old in insurance class C Premium is ?0 and excess is ?00.
C. 31 year old in insurance class B Premium is ?0 and excess is ?,500.
D. 43 year old in insurance class C Premium is ?0 and excess is ?,000
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following are characteristic of test management tools?
a) They support traceability of tests to source documents.
b) They provide an interface to test execution tools.
c) They help to enforce coding standards.
d) They manipulate databases and files to set up test data.
A. a and c
B. b and c
C. a and b
D. b and d
400-051 dumps Correct Answer: C
Which one of the following is a characteristic of good testing in any lifecycle model?
A. Each test level has the same test objective.
B. There should be more testing activities than development activities.
C. Test design can only begin when development is complete.
D. Testers should begin to review documents as soon as drafts are available.
Correct Answer: D
Given the following flow chart diagram: What is the minimum number of test cases required for 100% statement coverage and 100% decision coverage, respectively?
A. Statement Coverage = 1, Decision Coverage = 3.
B. Statement Coverage = 2, Decision Coverage = 3.
C. Statement Coverage = 2, Decision Coverage = 2.
D. Statement Coverage = 3, Decision Coverage = 3
400-051 pdf Correct Answer: C
Which of the following are structure-based techniques?
a) Decision table testing
b) Boundary value analysis
c) Multiple condition coverage
d) Use case testing
e) Decision testing
A. a and c.
B. b and d.
C. b and e.
D. c and e.
Correct Answer: D

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